Author Archive
Rotating Chairs
It can be said that giving voice to all the people is the essence of a pure democracy. It can also be said that, in all the world, there is no freer, purer form of government by the people. However, pure democracy has a down and, often, dark side referred…
Appreciate, Support, and Compensate Law Enforcement
For most Americans, the word combat conjures images of American servicemen and women fighting foreign enemies in scorching deserts or steamy jungles on the other side of the world. Unfortunately, what many Americans do not realize is that a form of combat, every bit as dangerous and deadly, is occurring…
The Case for Term Limits
“We need term limits!” It’s a common mantra expressed by many voters, particularly around election time, and it’s a mantra with which I wholeheartedly agree. We do, in fact, desperately need term limits, and the reasons are obvious. Of course, the knee-jerk response by most politicians is that term limits…
What You Don’t Know About America’s Health Care System Can Hurt You
As a physician practicing full-time emergency medicine, I’ve spent thousands of hours treating patients in an acute care setting. During that time, I’ve seen America’s health care system at its best – lives saved, diseases cured, health restored. The daily contribution by our health care system towards the reduction of…
The Producer Reproducer Ratio
Math – for many, mere mention of the subject sends chills down the spine. However, in the case of the Producer Reproducer Ratio, it isn’t the math that’s scary – it’s the implications. The Producer Reproducer Ratio or, PRR, is a concept I came up with a few years ago…
The Illusion of Justice
“Justice was served today,” or “It was a victory for justice,” or “Justice has been done,” are common statements offered by prosecuting attorneys upon the return of a guilty verdict in criminal cases. And, in certain situations, a guilty verdict and its resulting punishment might, in fact, be “just.” Nevertheless,…
Stop Blaming The Teachers
Since America’s earliest days, education has consistently ranked at or near the top of the list of priorities most important to its citizens. Americans, in general, regard education as the single most valuable contribution we can make to the betterment of our children’s lives and to the overall long term…